
Silent Hill: Ascension received a new trailer with the release date

Genvid developer announced that Silent Hill: Ascension will be released for a desktop browser, iOS in the App Store and Android in Google Play. The world premiere on the air will be held on November 1, 2023 at 02:00 Moscow time.

Silent Hill: Ascension is a new exciting interactive streaming series Genvid, in which you, together with the rest of the community, will affect the Silent Hill canon. The series tells about several main characters from different places of the world, who are tormented by new and terrifying monsters of Silent Hill.

Hiding in the shade, these monsters threaten to absorb people, their children and entire cities, since they are drawn into darkness of both recent killings and long -handed guilty guilt and fears. Join this exciting journey, since your decisions form a story, leading to exciting moments of redemption, suffering or curse.

It would be better to SH2 REMAKE

What’s the problem? One studio makes Silent Hill 2 Remake, the other studio makes Silent Hill in Japan (the trailer at least looked stylish). The third guys are busy with this. Given the fact that Silent Hill has not been particularly developed for years and was forgotten (not counting patina-automats), the current situation with the series gives at least some hope

The fact that this is not a game, but a broadcast? 🤔

Game series broadcast. Fits into the game theme. This is just another project. As if we are deprived of other projects? No. They are in development and this is known

Game series broadcast. Fits into the game theme. This is just another project. As if we are deprived of other projects? No. They are in development and this is known

This is not a broadcast in the game series. This is literally a game with Dark Pictures style of all kinds. Only in the form of a broadcast that you need to watch every day and make elections with other viewers and what solution is gaining more votes, then is considered a canon. If you do not have time to look, then see the repetition without gameplay and elections – everything will be done for you. And even if you have time, your choice may not dial the right number of votes. This is not to mention the fact that someone in Roflu can start spitting bad elections.

I personally do not see anything good in this approach. It would be better if it was a full -fledged game in the spirit of the aforementioned Dark Pictures.

What are your problems with the discussion of this project? Just another project? Yes. We are deprived of other projects? No. But who said that this project cannot be discussed? You?