
It seems that the number of players who have completed the 1st act of Baldur’s Gate 3 does not exceed 50%

Judging by the achievements of the community in PSN, Steam and Xbox, few defeated the first act of Baldur’s Gate 3. On several game platforms, the percentage of those who passed the first part of the game is less than 50 %.

It all started with the fact that one of the players on Reddit noted that "only" 49.3 % of adventurers were able to get to the second act of role -playing game. Now this figure has grown to 49.5 %, which fully confirms the validity of discontent from the player:

Based on the results of the search for information in the PSN, the percentage of the trophy of The Plot Tchikens received after the first act of Baldur’s Gate 3 reached 41.99%. And according to the Trueachieves website, the Xbox percentage of achievement is 39%.

Of course, you need to understand that not everyone plays games connected to the Internet, and these data may indicate percent fluctuations. Nevertheless, the question remains open: players became uninteresting to play or they simply walked and were lost in the RPG universe?

Be that as it may, without even going further than the first act of Baldur’s Gate 3, the players spent a lot of money. Baldur’s Gate 3 and Hogwarts Legacy confidently headed the chart in Steam in 2023. These two games have noticeably stood out against the background of other releases on the platform and reached high indicators.

He stopped at the third act because he was stuck at the factory and could not master it. Yes, and it took a lot of time for the game. I decided that I would return someday later. Xs now when I return 😂 When you score such games, it is very difficult to return to passage from scratch

In-in. He stuck there. I tried to go through stealth, so that without excess blood. As a result, I freaked out, p ****** l in general everything and everything. Highly recommend. The game came to life straight with this approach: D

The first RPG in my memory, in which I was fond of playing a good thing. Well, four times ***** I just got me a cube mechanic by that time.

the third time I will reach the 3rd act and dump. He is stupid as much as possible

"He got sick of playing a good -haired man. Apparently you are just not good? 🙂

Yes, for evil or neutral you feel normal.

3 months took place a game with a break of a month. The game is interesting, but very long. I thought 3 act would be short, but there were more quests there than in the previous ones.

It seems that the number of players who have completed the 1st act of Baldur’s Gate 3

The game is bright, memorable, there are many options for choosing actions, of course, this slows down the passage. Then many simply wait for the release of the final patch so as not to recall the whole game on a new.

And do not say, I’m already tired of counting the hotfixes output, and some good mods deteriorate when the next patch is released. When Sven with the team will calm down there.

And what’s the problem if you are such a fan, then the game is quite reigree for you. And if not, then a million patch is overwhelmed ? What is the logic broken

The problem is that not everyone is ready to give 100+ hours to pre -publication.

And what’s the problem if you are such a fan, then the game is quite reigree for you. And if not, then a million patch is overwhelmed ? What is the logic broken

Well, the game has long been passed. The map is open, there are no quests left, those updates that appear, they can wait and wait.

But what about the screech of the fanboys 100 out of 10 best play of the millennium ?

Crafty statistics in which it is not compared globally, how many people usually pass games to the middle.

I also wanted to say. What will say such an analysis regarding other loud projects? Not to mention the fact that a bunch of people spied on her

Just everyone is waiting for patches, fixes and other corrections and additions. I bought it myself, tried, liked it, but I’m waiting for the Upoles.

Just those who did not expect such stuffiness flew into the game on Hype.

And those who play with mods flew there and they do not have an unlocks of achievements for example

The game beats the records in mods.
This is not a cyberpunk where there is not a single normal fashion.

What is it for? I know that there are many mods and many people use them without unlocking achievements, so achievements do not count. Understand?

The news sucked from the finger, 50% for games is a lot, especially considering what size the 1st act is. For comparison, the Prologue of the Witcher 3 passed less than 64%, in Skyrim SE less than 70% of the prison took, and less than 50% has already reached the first dragon, less than 65% even from the starting subway came out from the wrath of the righteous.

well, the cold is really difficult, but the rest is Isch

Again the game with numbers with readers to show supposedly the fact that the game is not so fascinating. Well then, there are other figures for you, so only 23.7% of the playing and popular trim 3.7% of the playing were played. So the numbers are generally an indicator at least something.

Lol, I thought you were kidding, and this is really so.

So only 23.7% of the playing passed through the statistics of Skim. So the numbers are generally an indicator at least something.

Well, given the scale of piracy, this is a high percentage for the game, hacked from the release. And then people bought out of respect and someone reproduced. I would all evaluate copies from the pre -order and in the first week of the game. And the rest of the sales is stupidly in the piggy bank of Steam given for what penny it was sold at one time.

I have an assumption that half that did not receive Achivka played with mods, with the exception of consoles

just half with mods play, and they turn off achievements

There is a mod that includes Achivka.

there is already a hike for everything)

According to Steam, 90% passed nautiloid, t.e. 10% bought and did not play, I know people who started playing, but discouraged the game in the first act.
In addition, the first act is huge. While you sew the entire card can go through for 50 hours (if the player is not a fucking and the game is not held for the first time in the guides)
It makes no sense to be surprised >50% of the first act to players. If such a big game will be held at least 10% – already success

I went to the second act when there was 80-90 hours, I rummaged all the corners, maybe I missed something. But the first act is logically understandable, and the second confused.

I still don’t understand: how a step -by -step game can claim the game of the year)

Well, this is a very long time. Okay heroes 3, but here it is for a very long time.

Just like Soulslik Game Eldenring became the game of the year in 2022)

Many are not 100% playing the game. For example, the first act of the Witcher 3 completed 63% of the players, and the game of 2015. Therefore, Baldur will still make up statistics.

The first act of the witcher 3 on which it ends conditionally? I forgot something. Like a year ago, for the 3rd time passed. I can’t figure out (((

Given how much time the game takes nothing surprising .

I have already passed several times and I really liked the game. Of course maybe people with mods play so no aces.

Such statistics. It’s all about the lol mods

Duc is a huge percentage for such a genre. The witcher, sofa and pilars even less, and several times

Made a pre -order (this is the only game on which I threw the grandmothers to the release), waited for the way out of the creation, began to play. The next day is patch. In a day, patch. Every day (well, practically) patches. Yuh scored and decided to wait for the cutting of this (already beautiful) diamond.

Of course, I understand that the patchs from my head are not turned upside down, but still. It is always more pleasant to play the game brought to the Organ. to mind!

Now I enjoy and I advise you)

Now this figure has grown to 49.5 %, which fully confirms the validity of discontent from the player:

And why this player decided that everyone should be achvkafaps? Many people do not care about them, they set themselves mods for convenience and do not get or play slowly by studying the world.

This often happens, by the way. Passed the game – you look at how many of the same final achievement were received, and there is 10%.

I wonder how people give grades..According to this logic, 80 percent players, they put positive reviews without going through the game. And if we assume that a huge amount scolds 3 acts (and not only for optimization), then the rating in Steam would be much lower

That’s right, here there are patches and fixes come out every week

for example, they released a mining of a mining station without bugs and mods, without losing other partners

And the old preservations of the difference in versions are no longer loaded

As a result, the game re -recall from the beginning

Better I will wait until they finish and finish everything, and then I’ll go calmly

Most likely associated with the number of plot/ moral elections. You have to look around so as not to miss any quest, by chance not to constrict or go with the maximum benefit. Plus wig for a ‘bad, like’ also complicates everything. Passing can drag on dozens, hundreds of hours, especially who do not like haste. In addition, many have their own business besides games

Fashion has rolled up here and there are no ACHOVOV

I have no achivka at all because of mods. But isn’t it with all the games? In Elden Ring, only 49.6% reached the capital and Godfri – this is almost the middle of the game, and only 34.3% filled up the masking. In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, only 63.4% passed the first location – the White Garden, only 23.7% completed the game.In Fallout 4, almost 17% did not go beyond the prologue at all, only 56.3% rose above 10 levels (how many there were there, 30?), and only 20.5% received the final ending when passing for any fraction. Red Dead Redemption 2 – only 42% passed the second chapter, this is about a third of the game. Dragon Age: Inquisition – only 64.5% passed the prologue, only 13.1% received the final acute "Divide perfection". In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord is generally not clear what is happening with Achivka: only 20.8% completed training, but 26.2% acquired the first lands, 15.4% captured some city, which all the other people were doing in the game – and the hell He knows them. The Resident Evil 4, for example, is better: 59.7% completed the main plot in the usual or more complex mode, but it is still a little more than half – and the game is short. Starfield – 42.1% completed the fifth plot task "In the unknown" – This is almost the beginning of the plot, 18.1% completed the final plot task, investigated something besides the plot and even less. Hogwarts Legacy – 30.5% reached the final battle, about 50%, judging by Achivka for side tasks, reached the middle of the game. A Plague Tale: Requiem – 55.9% ended the chapter 8, but there are only 16 of them. And so to infinity. Long plot games according to the logic of things should be thrown (or vice versa, hung with cheats/mods and lose aces) more often than simple linear battles – the same thing now in all other entertainment spheres where they do not watch a long complex movie or do not read the longings, but look at Tiktoki. But at some stage, a certain percentage of people throws any games. Only to manufacturers by that time is it all the same? The main thing is that they bought. And there at least put on the shelf.

Bought the game on October 10. Now I talked with Balthazar, I took a bell from him, there were some tests below, they began to strain me, according to YouTube 2 trials, but I look, I have no tasks left left, although they are full of them, something like that is so foggy It became.

Everything is elementary lol there

There, for trials, the ihara is given they need to be assembled into the device and so get to the song of the night, but do not miss one ball after the battle with Yugir (below the dark color).

I put it off until November, because work, all things.

And there are all sorts of laid out there for the spinal cord as in Skyrim, there is no folce 4 to go and attach an hour.

I myself know the people who left and went through the game on the New Year holidays.

Plus a patch effect, I don’t complain and it is necessary, but when you went through the game, and after a couple of days a patch added epilogue and a couple of new levels of complexity and so on, and time for the second passage will not appear soon like this yes faaaak!

Yes, and this is a normal situation, the same plot games God forbid the incentive 70-80 percent, so that displeased player probably left the cave.

And because the rest of the acts are not as worked out as the first. In fact, people bathed the first act and appreciated the whole game under the first act. So this is BG3 AKT I. We are waiting for the new part where the second act will be opened)

What exactly it is unemployed can be explained? Just not quotes from Starfield lovers

By what phrases do you determine the lover of Calfield? And the study suffers by content filling, nursery 1 large empty location of a pair of skirmishes in ruins, all the shadow lands a lot of hassles (crows, bushes, shadows) 3 children of the torma, towers, tavern, challenge ball, walk with a raven. Nothing else. I will list early access, a dungeon, mushrooms, a tower, a shower flower, a surface, an abandoned village with a gogre, a grove, a camp of ghouls, a ghoul, Karga, a burning hotel with a zetarim, a book of Taeus with Pavuks. Bridge with GITS, Grimford, Nerek with a sect, makeup with blacksmiths. This all outlets type 2 act 2-3 times. Logically, Keterik should be the final boss 1 act, then this can be considered a normal plot, 2 act should begin in the lower city, the content for 2 act will be normal. And 3 act should already be the upper city with a pot and content that they finish or drank with a hypocritical excuse. Close the upper city with some event that we will decide, Datamaina talked about the epidemic.

Because the game is reheeked) and not many players who even like the game play to the end. I have about 60% of all that I played

Revealed by whom? Any person who even likes the game will say that BG3 has a lot of shortcomings. This applies to the plot and the technical part. Just for those who liked this game for themselves, they concluded that this is the best game of RPG in recent years. No one said that this is a clone of a witcher, where the character would wave a sword and crush enemies surrounded. People have overstated expectations precisely against the backdrop of good reviews. Someone about GTA said that this was a masterpiece and bought it at one time, but in fact it is just a game that someone liked it, but someone does not.
Winka did not wait for such a stake at all. Sales and Peak online. Oil into the fire was still added by the outfits of other games with their ridiculous tweets: DDD