An unusual role -playing game Everhood will be released in the form of Eternity Edition on PS4/5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S September 28
BlitWorks Games and Foreign Gnomes reported the release date of Everhood Eternity Edition for consoles of consoles Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.
This is the most complete version of the Indie-Hit of an adventure role-playing game, which has already been sold by a circulation of more than 500 thousand copies in Steam and Nintendo Switch together and will include 16 exclusive new musical battles, developed by members of the community and written by some of the most famous artists on indie scene.
Everhood Eternity Edition, developed by Foreign Gnomes, is an adventure musical role -playing game released by BlitWorks Games, an independent publisher with strong technical experience. They wanted not only to transfer content that is already available on other platforms, but also to improve it with the help of 16 new battles created by the best level designers from the Everhood community, with the music of the following 11 famous composers.
New routes will open as the player promotes the main plot of the game and will be a real test for the most experienced.
Everhood is a bizarre kingdom located on the edge of space and time. Its inhabitants are a kind of fate. These otherworldly creatures spend their days, wandering around the labyrinths of castles. Clubs and board games are also popular here. That is, until the dwarf was stolen by Red, a wooden doll. It would seem that a simple quest to restore it begins to pull for the wear of the threads of this strange world, revealing a secret and reality in the process.
Go on a trip through the doors of perception. Explore fantastic places in search of a torn limbs. Play hide and seek with live mushrooms in the forest, win carnival prizes and participate in races on maps with colorful characters, such as magicians, reasonable points of preservation, robots and vampires.