
Patch 2.01 for Cyberpunk 2077 will be released soon

Cyberpunk update 2077 versions 2.0 and the expansion of Phantom Liberty stunned the fans who finally felt that the game was in the state in which it was supposed to be when launched, thanks to the processed combat system and mechanics of the role-playing game, as well as the addition of long-demanded functions, such as military equipment and improved police system. However, the problems are still. Some of them CD Projekt Red will correct in the upcoming patch 2.01, which "It will come out soon".

Here is a list of basic changes that you can expect in it:

  • Distortions arising when choosing a certain version of dialogue when talking with Johnny at the end of the “puppet house” task will no longer remain on the screen.
  • During the “Passing to the Premier League”, VI will stop falling into the elevator, rising to the 42nd floor, and die if the frame rate is low.
  • Fixed a problem due to which the controller buttons when playing from the keyboard and mouse could display in the user interface.
  • Added the possibility of convenient switching to manual implants when erupting weapons.
  • “Order: Urgent News” will be correctly activated when the player approaches the task execution area.
  • The volume level of car radio will be configured in such a way that it was not too quiet compared to other sounds in the game.
  • The problem with damaged saving on the PlayStation has been eliminated and the maximum saving file size is increased. Note: this will not restore the conservation damaged before the update. If you have such a problem, make a separate preservation of your current passage (for example, manual) before the update 2.01.
  • The productivity will improve for both PCs and consoles, especially in the dog city.

Of course, this is far from the entire list of changes. Complete will appear with the release of the patch.

One repair another break.. And so to infinity.

They must receive money, otherwise it would be so after the release of the game if it was perfectly made, then the patches were not needed with the DLS, as a result, the people were probably fired or the new game was appointed a new game.

Have you ever tried to write a program? For example, an engineering calculator?

This is an incredible hemorrhoid, because all the lines of the code can be connected with each other in such a way that you did not even think about)

And here is a program for billions of code lines, which you can’t delay everything in a couple of years – there is always a non -standard solution that will break something in the code and how the snowball will collect bugs in a heap))

It is extremely difficult to make large -scale games with Openvorld and variability of passage – well done, that they at least not tell the players, that the problem is in their weak PCs))

It is especially difficult to fix something when half of the developments left the studio due to the fact that the leadership threw them with money and forced the unreleased game to send them because you see the advertising whether you have already paid))

Well, all red roosters are justified. They can write shit beggar, because it is so difficult to write games normally.

Excuse, so -so, but you are apparently ready to swallow any excuse.

These at least repair, work. And all other lazy people like a gazebo for 12 years there were not a single large -scale patch to Skyrim, although there is a car and a small cart there. The gazebo does not care. All work for them is done by models.

In general, they fixed much more things in Cyberpan. Cyberpank today and 3 years ago is heaven and earth. Generally repaired for conscience in fact. Well done.

It is interesting that it seems like Bagi in Cyberpan is an extremely random thing. And hell knows what one or another bug depends on.. Personally, at the beginning of the new game, I met 3 bugs:
1) "A game of rescuers", He filled the leader of the garbage holders and. Until the end of the quest, this is additional.The condition remained active.
2) sometimes corpses do not search
3) the selected weapon sometimes does not fall into the inventory (and no, it is not "Broken". The whole does not fall)
UPD for bugs:
4) as before, enemy animations are bastard after explosions/critical damage/strangulation. Waving a gun "Malstrodemovets" Without a head – that is still a cup.
5) ATVN of representatives of the gangs some inadequate became in terms of immersion in the game (I drove a little – they appeared again), but good for abusing pumping.
6) AI, as before, can see through the walls, or maybe not to notice vi.
7) For some reason, damage does not always pass through the tires..
8) the radio in the VI apartment is not interactive now, the stations can only be changed by a saturating script "distraction of enemies"

If I don’t confuse anything, the selected weapon often happens "Broken" and immediately understands spare parts. They seemed to come up with this chip with a new update..

If we are talking about 2.0 update, then "The corpses do not search", Because they have nothing, but "The weapon does not fall into the inventory" – Pay attention to the small text in the left side of the screen, there is a log there, which shows that the weapon is selected and automatically disassembled, though xs according to what logic))

Not-no, no, that is precisely that the whole weapon does not fall into the inventory. Chip "with broken" I know, I think just because of this and sometimes luggles.
And with the corpses the situation again is such that they have something (they are displayed on the map with a cross) – and take the lute from them, nothing happens stupidly. Only Zhmura itself can be dragged

About weapons: it’s good that they wrote, otherwise I thought that I have a schiza, lol. it seems to have wrapped up the killed Chumba, and the trunks are considerable in the inventory. but it is what it turns out. great they came up with weapons (no)

3) And I thought I was glitched. It seems to have taken the legend, did not look at the inventory right away, and then there is no bam. I thought that I was mistaken. I noticed a couple of times. Super.

In Dogtown, it really needs to be increased in some places in which there is almost nothing at all, and the frames fall more than on the same "market" From the beginning

and how how many FPS in the market?

I passed 1070 3 years ago without rays and right now for 4070 I pass with rays on maximum shoes, I did not notice a special improvement in the graphone, all sorts of blinking of light and shadows appeared, the last, in short, these rays

Well, on my bakery was under 50+ with cut down dlss. And in some, almost empty places, he decides to fall below 30

In fact, RTX reveals itself in places where there are many reflecting surfaces. Then everything becomes even more beautiful, but somehow too much, as if specially grated mirrors. Even in real life you rarely see this. Otherwise, the developers have worked well on the game and it looks excellent that with RTX, that without, especially at night somewhere in the Central District

Yes, they have already said this purely to simplify the work of the hat, on the shoulders of players, more precisely wallets)

I don’t confuse anything: this is the beginning of the game and the main plot mission? 3 years from the release passed.

How many times passed, I have never had such a bug.

Yes) the benefit is not constant, but random. I failed once, the second time I passed normally.

I confirm the bug

Excellent about the radio, otherwise it is not heard

And about performance, too, in principle, the item is good.

I don’t know how to do it – but I have a much stronger in my dogtown than in other areas.

**** so when? I will go through or wait? Well, who does so.

And fsr 3 is interesting when to wait ?

Not soon, like past FSARs. Nvidia of suitcases introduces

By the way, I have one performance in a dog is worse than in other areas?

The game has a lot of bugs with animations, the characters on the street poke in each other, like cardboard rams, sometimes passers -by sit on invisible shops from air, on the side of the road, bots jump when walking, as if on air, pass through cars, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi stepping on some items, or even passing near the car, can jump out of the blue. This is annoying and breaking the atmosphere of the game. With output 2.0 Optimization has not changed practically, 2K resolution of the settings ultra, DLSS Quality, RTX VCL incredible quality, track trace is turned off, in the test 68 FPS, average, if you enable track 45 FPS in the test. The game itself has 52-80 FPS, and if you enable tracer of the track 36-55 FPS. 10900KF – 32 GB – 3090 TI, game of SSD M2. Path trace changes the picture, adding deeper shadows, but this does not cost 35% of performance. To play with this stray, you need a level of 4070 and above, with the obligatory inclusion of frame generation, which, just gives 25 FPS, aggravated by tracing of the path. Even 3090 TI, this setting is not an option.

The procedure is weak, look at their updated requirements. Path trace for 40 versions, it is written in the settings

Weak? You are kidding something? He works in this game at a maximum of 35-50% in the city center, the video card is loaded by 97%. 10900KF in games is not much worse than 13900K, provided that it can load the vidaha on the full, there are crooked crafts that still work in the same -sex mode that do not use multi -dominance, in this case, 13900k will be faster for one core, in multi -flow games, in 4K resolution, the difference between them will be a couple of FPS. The trace of the path is designed for 4000 episode, not because it is faster in the RT of applications, but because the frame generation works there, which compensates for the losses from turning on track trace, if the frames generation are turned off by 4070 TI and 4080, they will also suck on both radiator. Even 4090, without generation, with tracing of the path will not pull out stable 60 FPS, anywhere in the city, about 4K I am silent, there will be failures below 40 FPS

This is for you for general development

As for only 4,000 for tracing the path, the prominent classes themselves write that you need 3090 or 4070 TI, but as you can see by the test, even 3090, which is 10% faster, does not pull this hat, so you can use it without generation, but you can use it, but you can use it, but It is not comfortable to play when the FPS falls through at certain points to 35

In terms of performance approximately. What can be counted on in update 2.0 on the Config 9700KF 47GHZ, Horn Stricks 3070 Anged, RAM 16GB 3800MHz, SSD M2 Reading Reading 3500 MB/s, 3 -ASRAK 3200 MB/s?

1080r 60Hz TV Sony

without RT on the ultra settings, with DLSS on quality (put clarity 1.0, and it will be the perfect smoothing, no worse than MSAA x4) you will receive, approximately 80-100 FPS, in 1080r. From the Republic of Tatarstan, depending on its quality, if on the incredible, then about 45-60, in 1080r. If you also turn on the trace of the track to the RT, then you can subtract almost half from these FPS, that is, 25-35 FPS in 1080r

I thought about productivity without tracing the paths with DLSS quality+fashion crutch reconstruction of rays with conventional trace of at least 50 FPS.

Previously at 1.61 patch I had almost stable 60 FPS with DLSS for the quality of the settings ultra+RT per ultra of 1080p