
Gabe Newell about why the delay of games is normal: “Delay is not for long. Slotted – this is forever “

Once the famous Director of Nintendo Sigeru Miyamoto said how the story says: "The deferred game will be good as a result, and the hasty game is bad". Did he really utter these words? Most likely no. But the founder of Valve Gabe Newell shares this opinion. He completely openly announced this in a new documentary dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Half-Life, which was released on YouTube.

The topic was raised in the segment dedicated to the early problems of Valve with Half-Life. The game was supposed to be released in November 1997, but a few months before that the team realized that it did not succeed, the game had interesting ideas and individual segments, but in general it "I haven’t been interesting yet".

According to the co -founder of Valve Mike Harrington, the studio had "Hard schedule" with the publisher Sierra, but in the end she still decided to postpone the game: "And we told them: "We will not let it out. And we understand that you will not pay us for the continuation of the development, but we will still do it".

And then Gabe went to business with his miyamoto, possibly inspired by Miyamoto:

"Delay is not for long. Sucks – this is forever", – he said. "We could try to force all this out of the threshold, but it would not be the company that we want to be, not the people we want to be. This is not the relationship that we want to build with our clients".

The documentary is mainly devoted to the process of creating HALF-LIFE, but you can find other similar ones in it "Nuggets of wisdom". Newell, for example, shared his thoughts about "realism" In video games, which he apparently does not have enough time.

"It happened that you are sitting on a discussion of design, and someone says: "This is not realistic", – Newell tells. "And you are: "Fine?". What does it mean – explain to me why it is interesting? Because in the real world I have to make lists of what I have to buy in a grocery store. And I never thought that realism is fun. I play games to have fun".

It is such conversations that make Valve cease its strange experiments with hardware and return to the creation of new games. In the meantime, we will only have to be satisfied with the fact that the company did a lot of work on one of its old games: Half-Life, the very first Valve game, received a major update yesterday in honor of its 25th anniversary, and until November 20 it is available in Steam for free.